Privacy Policy


We handle all your personal data in compliance with the GDPR. Below you can read more about out Privacy Policy.

1. Controller

Vallila Marine Oy is committed to protecting the privacy of our customers and visitors to our website. In this Privacy Notice, we explain how Vallila Marine processes your personal data.


Vallila Marine

Business ID 2925814-4

Nilsiänkatu 15, 00510 Helsinki, Finland

Contact person in data privacy matters:

Timo Vuorinen

3. Collected personal data and related information

We collect the following information of our online customers:

We may also process technical data of all the online visitors that may in certain situations identify you and qualify as personal data, including the following: IP address operating system device type products searched in the online store browsing history and URL route in the online store.

4. Cookies and analytics tools

We use cookies and similar technologies to improve the usability of our website and web services. We also use third party cookies to collect analytics data and to integrate our social media accounts to our website.

Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

A cookie is a small text file saved in the user’s computer. Vallila Marine requires a consent for the use of cookies from all website visitors. A visitor may change its cookie settings and read more about cookies in Vallila Marine’s cookie settings [LINK].

Our site uses Google Analytics. More information regarding the privacy of Google Analytics’ is available on Google Analytics’ Privacy Policy.

5. The purposes and legitimate grounds for processing personal data

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

The legal basis pursuant to article 6 of GDPR for processing your personal data is consent when we process your personal data to respond to inquiries, as well as cookies. The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is a legitimate interest when we process your personal data for customer service purposes or for customer relationship management. The legal basis is a statutory obligation when we process personal data to fulfill our statutory obligations.

6. Storage period and protective measures

During a customer’s first order from the online store the customer information is saved to Vallila Marine’s customer register. Vallila Marine has the right but no obligation to keep the said information for a reasonable time or until the User decides to remove its user account.

We store the personal data relating to your purchases and claims as long as it is necessary for instance for defending legal claims or for complying with legal obligations.

The analytics data of our website and -services are stored for 24 months.

We ensure that your personal data are processed with appropriate safeguards. We have put in place technical and organizational safeguards to ensure that your personal data are not changed, lost or destroyed, or accessed without authorization.

7. The recipients of personal data

As a rule, we do not share your personal data with third parties outside of Vallila Marine’s organization. Exceptions are as follows:

Legal reasons. We may share personal data with third parties outside our organization if access to the personal data is reasonably necessary

To authorized service providers. We may share personal data to authorized service providers such as the service provider responsible for transport service. We make sure that our agreements with our service providers include commitments requiring our service providers to limit their use of personal data and to comply with the privacy and security standards of this Privacy Policy.

For other legitimate reasons. If Vallila Marine is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, we may transfer personal data to the third party involved. However, we will continue to ensure the confidentiality of all personal data. We will give notice to when the personal data are transferred or become subject to a different privacy policy as soon as reasonably possible.

With your explicit consent. We may share personal data with third parties outside Vallila Marine’s organization for other reasons than the ones mentioned before, when we have your explicit consent to do so. You have the right to withdraw such consent at any time by contacting us.

9. International transfers of personal data

We primarily store personal data inside the European Economic Area.

However, in some situations we may transfer personal data to be processed outside of this area. In these cases we will ensure that your data receives an adequate level of protection in the jurisdictions in which it is processed. We provide adequate protection for the transfers of personal data to countries outside of the European Economic Area through a series of agreements with our service providers based on the EU Commission approved Standard Contractual Clauses or other similar arrangements and/or legal grounds such as the Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework.

10. Rights of data subjects

Right to access. You have the right to access your personal data processed by Vallila Marine. You may contact us to find out what personal data we process and for which purpose we use it.

Right to correct. You have the right to have incorrect, imprecise, incomplete, outdated, or unnecessary personal data we have stored corrected or completed. By contacting us you can update for example your contact information or other information.

Right to deletion. You may ask us to delete your personal data. We will comply with your request unless we have a legitimate ground to not delete the data. Such ground may be for example an obligation to keep certain data due to accounting legislation or a requirement to store order information to verify your product warranty.

Right to object and right to restrict. You have a right to resist the processing of your personal data or profiling, if your data is being processed for direct marketing. You have a right to demand the limitation of your personal data among other things when the data concerning you is not true. In addition in certain special situations you have a right to resist the processing of your personal data on the grounds of a personal special situation.

Right to data portability. You have the right to receive your personal data from us in a structured and commonly used format and to independently transmit data to a third party.

11. Changes to data protection practices

When we publish changes related to this Privacy Notice, we will update the date at the top of this Privacy Notice. If the changes related to the privacy practices are material, we will mention them at the top of this Notice, on our website and via email.